Hi y'all,
After much hesitation, I finally get myself to sign up for a blog account.
Lame. haha
Honestly, I’m not a write-a-diary kinda guy. Sebelom ni pon tulis diari orang lain sibok je nak bace. Since then, hatiku lah diariku. lol
Btw, I’ve been thinking a lot lately which was why I sign up for this. I’ve been thinking about study, classes, politics, people’s reaction, future, life and anything that my head could sink in to. I started to think when I’m being alone, when there was no one that I could talk to. But I am not a loner OK. It’s not that I want to think. It just came. From there, I got ideas. Ideas which I gotta tell someone about it but, I couldn’t find someone whom I think could understand it. That is when the idea came to me to do blogging see, when there’s a problem, I started to think. Maybe in real life I couldn’t find that person. But in this virtual world, who knows.
OKlah, I think that’s enough for my first post. Sooner or later I’ll write some more okay?? Share your experience in blogging with me. I'll appreciate that. Ciao!