camping was so much 'fun'!

tired, tired, tired
is all that I can say about this 2 days and 1 night MTAF101 camp. There were not so many activities, but all the LDK's were physically tiring.
   Exception to LDK1, where we were told to wrap an egg so that it won't break when thrown, were not at all tiring.
   LDK2; each of of us has to pass through a spiderweb without touching a single string and there were like 100+ of us. Lifting, pushing and pulling were involved. Not to forget, teamwork. Imagine, we have to lift this giant guy (Echo actually, I don't know his real name. But to those who knows...) and there were about 15+ of them. Plus, we failed several times and have to repeat again. Hell yeah!
   LDK3; maybe this is the common one. Using a piece of paper, we have to form a ring that can surrounds the whole platoon. I've done this before. Then we have to move as a whole in a circle. We had a slow progress, thanks to Mizan.
   LDK4; we have to form a knot with a rope without a single hand releasing it. To those at the end of the rope, there were lots of moving and trying. Again, Mizan leads the platoon but thanks to Marvin, we finally succeed.
   The night was sucks. It was raining and muds were everywhere. I have to sleep in another platoon's tent because the tent which I help to erect was full and I was chased out by some Indians. Only my luggage survived in there.
   The next day was a whole day marching. A marching test to be exact. First test was an individual test and the second one as a platoon. Funny thing happens in individual test. Ayoi says, 'hentak kaki, 14 satu dua TANPA henti, hentak kaki, cepat!'. ROFL.
   In a nutshell, those two days were tiring and lets say, it was fun too.

tent I help to erect

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